Professional Fly Treatment And Removal in Fowler, Ohio
What do Flies Look Like?
Flies have a mobile head, with a pair of large compound eyes, and mouth parts that was made for piercing, sucking, or for lapping. Their wing arrangement gives them great maneuverability in flight, and claws and pads on their feet enable them to cling to smooth surfaces.
The adult stage is usually short, its function only to mate and lay eggs.
Normally, the eggs hatch within 24 hours. Fly larvae, better known as maggots, appear similar to whitish worms. Their only purpose is to eat and store energy for their upcoming transformation. Larvae feed for around five days, after they find a dry, dark location for pupal development. The entire life cycle of a fly from egg to adult is 14-36 days.
A new adult fly has at most 3 months to reproduce before it dies. Each female can lay up to 500 eggs during her brief life. With so many predators, the average lifespan is about 21 days.
Flies are attracted to light and will fly towards and into lights and windows. They often drop to the floor on their backs and spin around and buzz noisily until exhausted. The annoyance of flies usually begins when the weather begins to warm and may continue until mid-spring. In the late summer to early fall (depending on the temperature), the adults look for sheltered areas usually in the sunny sides of buildings for the winter season.
Flies can be found almost anywhere. Adults of many species are strong fliers, which helps them locate supplies of food for their larvae. Fly larvae are most common in damp habitats, and flies populations are largest in warm humid places with lots of moisture.
Structural Pest Management can solve all of your pest control needs for your comfort and convenience with our Maintenance Programs.
Preventative Maintenance Programs
Structural Pest Management offers various types of Preventative Programs to fit all of your pest control needs.
Our quarterly program is ideal because it provides the most protection against insects and rodents.
Our professional will apply liquid treatments in and around your structure 4 times a year.
There are two interior treatment in summer and winter, with the winter treatment receiving an attic inspection.
There are two exterior treatments, spring and fall with the fall receiving rodent inspection along the foundation and appropriate sealing of entry points.
Our Structural professional will apply liquid treatments in and around your structure 3 times a year.
There is one interior treatment in summer.
There are two exterior treatments, spring and fall with the fall receiving rodent inspection along the foundation and appropriate sealing of entry points.
Residential Monthly
While our Quarterly Program is normally sufficient, there are some pest issues that require more visits, such as cockroaches. Our Residential Monthly service is designed to offer you year-round protection from even the most persistent of pests.
Protecting your Health
One of the most important aspects of our work is protecting the health of our customers. We utilize the safest and the most current pest control equipment and methods to remove these parasitic pests from our client’s homes or businesses.
Defending your Property
We can ensure your property is rid of all these nuisance pests and prevent future infestations.
Cost Efficient Service
Structural Pest Management also has the ability to offer competitive pricing. Contact us today to get a FREE PHONE ESTIMATE with SAME DAY SCHEDULING SERVICE.
For the highest-quality residential and commercial pest solutions, count on us at Structural Pest Management!