Big Brown Bat
One of the most widespread mammals in North America, the big brown bat is named for its large size and its brown fur. The big brown bat has a large body, wide head, with large eyes with short rounded ears. The big brown bat’s wings are short and wide. The big brown bat’s fur is long and soft. Typically the face, ears, wings and tail are blackish. Male and female big brown bats are similar in appearance. The big brown bat females are normally bigger than the males. The big brown bat normally mates during the autumn. The female usually gives birth to one or two young in May to July, after a gestation period of two months. Young big brown bats are able to fly at about three to five weeks old and reach adult size after about two and a half months. The male big brown bat reaches reproductive maturity in its first autumn, normally only some females reproduce at the end of their first year. The big brown bat may potentially live for 19 or 20 years in the wild.
Feeding Preferences
The big brown bat prefers to feed on beetles, flies, flying ants, lacewings, moths, and flying insects. The big brown bat is an important predator of insect pests such as the spotted cucumber beetle , scarab beetles, stinkbugs and leaf-hoppers.
Transmitted Diseases
A main concern is the diseases that can be spread by bats. The two major concerns are the lung disease histoplasmosis which can come from the bat guano, and the rabies virus, which comes from being bitten or scratched by an infected bat.
Facts On Rabies Being Transmitted By Bats:
One of the major concerns is that, bats can transmit rabies to humans. Less than 1% of bats carry the rabies virus and transmit it. If a bat is weak, sick looking and found during the day there is a good chance it could be carrying rabies.
The big brown bat is found in a variety of habitats, normally they are more numerous in forests. This species has adapted well to the presence of humans, now commonly residing in towns and large cities. In winter, the big brown bat hibernates in different types of structures, both natural and man-made. Normally this bat will hibernate in houses, barns, churches, storm sewers, and mines. You may also find them hibernating in tree cavities, rock crevices and caves. The big brown bat is a fairly common bat species. They have even increased in numbers and range.
Bat Exclusion and Control
Believe it or not but some bat species are protected. So where does this leave you as a homeowner? There are some laws to follow and we are here to help.
Structural Pest will remove bats legally. Here is how we do it. The first thing that needs to happen is for an thorough inspection to be done.
Our professionally trained technician will come to your house and look for all the holes the size of a golf ball or bigger where bats may enter. When an entry point is found, then a one way door is installed so that the bat can get out but it cannot get back in again.
As a homeowner you will probably be concerned about the bat droppings and bat bugs that are left behind. We also offer a clean up service where we disinfect the bat droppings. Included in this offer is to rid you of any possible bat bugs.
We provide a 3 year written warranty that covers all our work. It contains valuable information to help you from being a target for a bat residence. Call us today for a free phone estimate.
Structural Pest Bat Program
David will perform a thorough inspection on both the interior and exterior of your home, finding all the infested areas and identifying which pests you are dealing with. Once identified, David will implement a pest control program that is designed to target the specific pests in your home.