Elm Leaf Beetles
The elm leaf beetle is found throughout North America. They range from yellow to green in color with a darker spot on its head. The elm tree beetle is knows as a invasive pest. They cause damage to elm tree leaves, and are known to kill the tree itself.
In early spring, the adults mate and the females lay clusters of 5-40 bright yellow eggs on the underside of elm leaves; females normally lay 600-800 eggs. The eggs hatch within a week. The larvae are usually black in color with rows of dots on their backs and sides. They feed on the underside of the elm leaves for 2-3 weeks. Full-grown larvae are black and yellow and still have their spots. The larvae travel down the tree trunk or drop to the ground to pupate. Adults emerge in about 10 days, feed on elm leaves, mate, and lay eggs for a second generation. In the Northern and Midwestern states, there is usually 2 generations per year. In the Southern and Western states, there could possibly be a 3rd.
Feeding Preferences
Both larvae and adults feed on the leaves of elm trees. The larvae will only eat the underside of the leaf, leaving the veins and upper surface which then dry and kill the leaves.
Transmitted Diseases
The elm tree beetle does not transmit human disease.
In Southern states, the females begin laying eggs in late April, in Northern states they begin egg laying in late spring/ early summer. The fecal droppings from both the adults and larvae can leave spotted stains on your car’s exterior.
It is the adults of the last generation which normally enter structures for the winter. They may find shelter under siding, in walls, ceiling voids, attics, chimneys, behind curtains, drapes, under carpets, between books, and in other safe and warm environments. Inside they are a nuisance pest. Their droppings will leave stains from their droppings or if crushed.
Structural Pest Program
Our service technician will perform a thorough inspection on the exterior and interior of your structure to locate all problem areas and properly identify the pest you are having.
All programs are specially designed to target the pest that is infesting your structure.