European Hornet
European hornets are originally native to Europe but was brought over to North America in the early 1800’s. These are the only true hornet found in North America. They are a medium sized hornet. They have brown and yellow coloring with very little hair on it’s abdomen. They are social insects which live in colonies or nests. The adults are represented by workers which are sterile females, queens and males which come from unfertilized eggs and usually appear in the late summer. In the spring, the queen uses chewed-up material from rotted wood to build a paper nest. One egg is laid in each cell and the queen feeds the larvae protein material and nectar. After a month, the first 5 to 7 workers emerge and take over all the work except egg laying. The typical nest will eventually consist of 6 to 9 paper combs which are open and attached one below another. A typical mature nest will contain 1,500-3,000 cells in 6-9 combs. Normally colonies contain 200-400 workers at the most. Only inseminated queens hibernate and survive the winter. The founding queen, the workers, and the males all die.
Feeding Preferences
They feed on large insects such as beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers, and moths. They also feed on sugary food and fallen fruit.
Transmitted Diseases
The European hornet does not transmit human diseases.
This species will sting in response to being stepped on or grabbed, and have been known to sting without warning. The pain from the sting may persist for several days with swelling. Those who are allergic to stings should seek medical attention.
European hornets make their nests in hollowed out trees, barns, out buildings, hollow walls of houses, attics and abandoned bee hives. Workers fly at night and are attracted to lights. They have a habit of banging against lighted windows at night. They are defensive of their hive and can be aggressive around food sources. These hornets have also been known to sting without warning or provoking. At Structural Pest, we have a trained professional technician to help rid you of this potential danger, the safety of our customers is our utmost priority.
Structural Pest Hornet Program
David will perform a thorough inspection on both the interior and exterior of your home, finding all the infested areas and identifying which pests you are dealing with. Once identified, David will implement a pest control program that is designed to target the specific pests in your home.